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Lois Ruth

Monday, August 8 th at 5:30 p.m. at the home of David Gestler,

We will meet at the church at 5:15 and carpool to Dave’s. Carol Jacobelli will be providing us with dinner and Dave will share with us his collection of Victorian Tableware and English Transferware. He is also looking forward to
showing us his 1960 XK-120 Roadster Jaguar and his 1986 SJ-6 Sedan Jaguar. (You must see them to appreciate them.) Please call Lynn (412-372-0274) by Thursday, August 4 th to let me know is you will be attending or NOT and if you have
any questions. Carol needs to know haw many will be at dinner.

The Lois Ruth Circle is considered the "mature" Circle of Level Green Church.


You do not need to be a member of Level Green Church to attend the Lois Ruth Circle meetings. Everyone is welcome. 


You do not need to attend every meeting, come when you can and enjoy time with new friends.


The ladies meet the first Monday of every month from September to May. We meet in the Fellowship Hall of the Church at 7:00 P.M.


We have some type of a lesson, which varies each month (no participation, studying or homework required) sharing of joys and concerns, lots of wonderful fellowship and of course dessert and beverages.


We do a "good deed" each month depending on the time of year and what is needed at the time. We write valentines for the shut ins of our Church, fill Easter eggs for Meals on Wheels, we collect items for Military Connections, school supplies for needy children, etc. We are always looking for new ideas for a "good deeds".


We have a covered dish Christmas party each year along with a "gag' gift exchange. We go out to dinner in May to celebrate another great year for the Lois Ruth Circle.


Please remember, everyone is welcome and you do not need to be a member of Level Green Church to attend the meetings.


Please call Circle Leader, Lynn Gilligan (412-372-0274) if you have any questions.



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